Baguio Green Group (Stock Code: 1397.HK)
Year Issued by Name of Award
2024 World Green Organisation Green Office & Eco- Healthy Workplace Awards Labelling Scheme - Certificate of Recognition
2024 Qualifications Framework Secretariat Appreciation for Recognition of Prior Learning - Arboriculture & Horticulture Industry - Tak Tai Enviroscape Ltd
2024 Qualifications Framework Secretariat Appreciation for Recognition of Prior Learning - Arboriculture & Horticulture Industry - Baguio Landscaping Services Ltd
2024 Hong Kong Council of Social Service 5 years+ Caring Company 2023/24 - Baguio Green Group Limited
2024 Hong Kong Council of Social Service 10 years+ Caring Company 2023/24 - Tak Tai Enviroscape Limited
2024 Hong Kong Council of Social Service 10 years+ Caring Company 2022/23 - Baguio Waste Management & Recycling Limited
2024 Hong Kong Council of Social Service 10 years+ Caring Company 2023/24 - Baguio Pest Management Limited
2024 Hong Kong Council of Social Service 10 years+ Caring Company 2023/24 - Baguio Landscaping Services Limited
2024 Hong Kong Council of Social Service 10 years+ Caring Company 2023/24 - Baguio Cleaning Services Company Limited
2024 Hong Kong Council of Social Service Caring Company 2023/24 - Baguio Green Technology Ltd